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OCLS Services for Page 1+

Information about OCLS service activities for Page 1+

New Features Releases - OCLS Recommendations

February Alma/Primo VE New Features 

OCLS has tested the new features and identified the following features that may be useful to colleges. Please note that some features may need to be turned on or configured. If you need assistance, please email

To view the full list of new features for Alma and Primo VE, see this Alma page and this Primo VE page

New Feature



Bulk Deletion of COUNTER Reports

Users can now delete multiple COUNTER reports at once with Delete All, Delete Selected, Select All options in the Usage Data Loader page.

Analytics and Insights 

Physical Books Retention and Physical Books Deselection Dashboards Now Available

Physical Books Retention and Physical Books Deselection dashboards are now available under Alma > Inventory folder.

Analytics and Insights 

SAML and CAS Now Available as Authentication Methods for Analytics Reports

Users can now configure Analytics to use SAML and CAS as authentication methods when accessing a report URL from analytics objects by setting the analytics_auth_method parameter (Configuration > Analytics > General Configuration > Other Settings) to SAML or CAS.

Digital Resource Management 

Collection Type Now Changeable

The collection type of a collection can be changed from logical to fixed-list or from fixed-list to logical.

*If you change a collection to logical without adding a logical set, the existing titles in the collection will be removed and no new titles will be added

Electronic Resource Management 

Automatic Upload Electronic Holdings from Taylor & Francis (Journals)

Libraries can now easily update their holdings for Taylor & Francis Journals holdings using this feature. The token ID for the Journals integration will be available on the Taylor & Francis site from February 13.

Electronic Resource Management 

Pre Release Indication for Upcoming Community Zone Collections

This feature allows customers to stay updated on the latest content additions, eliminating the need to contact Ex Libris for updates.

This will be released gradually during March 2024.

Electronic Resource Management 

Collection-Level Access Model Setting

Users can now establish an access model at the collection level, which will be automatically applied to all portfolios within that collection.

Electronic Resource Management 

Overlap Analysis Tool Now Presents Link Resolver Usage Data as Part of the Report

The Overlap Analysis reports now include two new columns related to link resolver usage.

Metadata Management

Repository Import - Limit Match of Bibliographic Records to a Specific Electronic Collection

Alma now facilitates targeted matching of incoming repositories specifically to a chosen electronic collection and not the entire catalog.

Metadata Management

Filtering Holdings Sets Using Indication Rules

Alma users can now create and apply indication rules to filter holdings sets.

Primo VE

CDI Subject Normalization and New Keyword Field

CDI subject terms are now mapped to a controlled vocabulary, primarily based on LCSH and MeSH. This mapping results in the subject field (Normalized) and the Keyword field.

This feature needs to be enabled.

Primo VE

Embed Primo VE Showcase Widgets on Any Website

Allows you to embed a visual carousel of records tailored to the library’s specifications, helping libraries promote their content in other websites. 

This feature needs to be configured.

Primo VE

Support Configuration of Displayed Holdings Level in Get It

With this enhancement, you can configure whether to display the Locations page by default when there is only one location available.

This feature is disabled by default. 

Primo VE

Display SMS Wanted Field in My Library Card

Libraries now have the option to display the SMS Wanted checkbox in My Library Card > Personal Details.

This feature needs to be enabled.

Primo VE

Support HTML Coding in Additional Labels

HTML coding is now allowed for a set of codes, including the <href> tag for linking.

November Alma/Primo VE New Features 

OCLS has tested the new features and identified the following features that may be useful to colleges. Please note that some features may need to be turned on or configured. If you need assistance, please email

To view the full list of new features for Alma and Primo VE, see this Alma page and this Primo VE page.

New Feature



Acquisitions – Fund Editor – Expended and Encumbered Balances as Links

Links to a list of related orders to see which PO lines caused encumbrances and expenditures on the fund balance 

There are many enhancements and changes in Acquisitions for this working in this area to review

Administration and Infrastructure – New Digital Adoption Tool

Starting with this release, Ex Libris is gradually deploying Pendo

This tool must be configured for use

Administration and Infrastructure - Added Option to Edit User from Alma User Card

Staff can access user details directly from a task list through a linkable username

AnalyticsNew ‘Configurations (Limited)’ Subject Area

This subject area enables you to create reports to answer business questions related to Fulfillment policies and Terms of Use

Digital Resource Management – Display of Microsoft Office Documents Now Supported by Digital Viewer

Word, PowerPoint and Excel documents now supported

Electronic Resource Management – Average MARC Record Quality Measured in CZ Collections

Bibliographic ranking now available for CZ collections

Electronic Resource Management – Link Resolver Usage Added to Portfolio Search Results

A counter showing how many times patrons were shown the portfolio’s service vs. how many times they clicked through using the link resolver

Physical Resource Management – Option to Append to Existing Note Field in the Job Change Physical Items

This is useful for adding a note to all items in a set without erasing previous notes

Physical Resource Management – Running Jobs on Physical Holdings Sets

Simplifies the process when having to manage physical holdings only

Primo VE – Enable Users to Filter or Expand Citation Trail Results

Can be configured to include CDI collections that did not have access to full text

This feature needs to be enabled when configuring views.

Primo VE – Preserve the Formatting of Citations Copied from Primo (NERS #8157)

The Citation export action now saves the citation to the clipboard in Rich Text Format (RTF) and retains the citation’s formatting when copied to Word documents. When using a text editor such as Notepad, the text is copied without formatting

Resource Management – Creating Itemized Physical, Digital and Electronic Title Sets Using MMS ID

Previously, MMS ID could be used only when creating All Titles itemized sets

August Alma/Primo VE New Features 

OCLS has reviewed the new features and identified the following features that may be useful to colleges. Please note that some features may need to be turned on or configured. If you need assistance, please email

To view the full list of new features and resolved issues/bugs, see this Alma page and this Primo VE page

New Feature



Primo VE

Resource Recommender - Enhanced Search Capability

Resource Recommender now supports the following enrichments so that the search query does not have to exactly match the searchable tag to display the matching recommendations: synonyms, inflections, stop words, and words ordered differently from searchable tag.

For existing resource recommendations, indexing is required, The next full indexing is planned for the beginning of August. 

Primo VE

Display Document Attributes for CDI Records

CDI document attributes provide more information about the type of record and complement the existing resource types.

This functionality is disabled by default.

Primo VE

Display Item Policy in Get It

You can now display the Item Policy in Primo VE. This information displays in Primo VE only if the Item Policy field is configured in Alma's Physical Item Editor.

This functionality is disabled by default.

Primo VE

My Library Card Improvements

This enhancement enables users to view all library notices and choose whether to receive them or not.

This functionality is disabled by default.


Rollout of the New Layout for the PO Lines Task List

The next-generation Alma UI design is now available for the PO Lines task list. In this release, individual users can opt-in to try out the new task-list layout, or continue using the classic version of the layout.

This feature needs to be enabled.

Resource Management

Metadata Editor Enhancements: Undo Remove, Cut and Paste Field Actions

Previously, the removal of fields from a bibliographic record could not be undone. A new functionality called "Undo Remove, Cut, Paste Field" is introduced that enables catalogers to undo such actions.

This feature is applied automatically.

Resource Management

Match on Title Type Option Added to the Import Mechanism

Alma's import mechanism was enhanced to include the option to match on the title type - electronic or physical.

This feature needs to be enabled.

Resource Management

Control the Ability to Ignore Title Based Link Resolving

Currently, when Alma gets an open URL from Primo, it tries to find resources according to three main methods: Match by identifier; Match by title and author; Search by title only ("Fuzzy Match"). Institutions now have the option to avoid "Fuzzy Match" attempts.

This feature needs to be configured.

Administration and Infrastructure

Regenerate Public Key in S/FTP Profile

Previously, the Public Key associated with an S/FTP profile remained static and could not be updated or refreshed. However, this constraint has now been rectified, and users can now refresh the Public Key

This feature will be applied automatically.

Digital Resource Management

Logical Collections

You can now assign titles to collections automatically based on a logical query instead of assigning them manually.

This feature needs to be configured.

Fulfillment - Course Reserves

Search for Citations Within a Reading List

You can now search for a citation within a reading list in Alma by keyword, citation ID, creator, etc.

This feature will be applied automatically.


May Alma/Primo VE New Features 

OCLS has reviewed the new features and identified the following features that may be useful to colleges. Please note that some features may need to be turned on or configured. If you need assistance, please email

To view the full list of new features and resolved issues/bugs, see this Alma page and this Primo VE page

New Feature




Editable Lines in Closed Invoices

It is now possible to edit certain fields in the lines of closed invoices. This allows institutions to handle data corrections caused by manual errors.

This feature will be applied automatically. It can be disabled.


Change to Analytics New Layout Rollout Schedule and Known Issues

The schedule of the phased rollout of the new analytics user interface was changed.

There are several known issues regarding scheduling reports when moving to the new analytics interface.

This feature needs to be enabled currently, but will be applied automatically in August.


Anonymization of Notes in Requests and Other Records

It is now possible to delete Notes as well as other patron information from closed loans, fines and fees, requests, and resource-sharing requests.

This feature needs to be configured.

Resource Management

Semi-Annual Re-indexing

During May, the semi-annual re-indexing will be run. Features or resolved issues that require re-indexing to be fully functional will be addressed by the May semi-annual re-indexing.

This feature will be applied automatically.

Resource Management

Bibliographic Ranking in Metadata Editor and Record View

Alma now evaluates the completeness and richness of MARC 21 bibliographic records. This is reflected in a new Bibliographic Rank, meant to provide a helpful tool for libraries to identify records that may need attention.

This feature will be applied automatically.

Resource Management

Searching Records by Bibliographic Rank

A new search option for titles is added to aid libraries in identifying records within a specific range of the new Bibliographic Rank that require attention.

This feature will be applied automatically after the completion of the May se-annual re-indexing.

Electronic Resource Management

Community Zone Updates Task List to Include Indication Regarding Collection Level Management

This is for institutions to see what the planned changes are to CZ content. This enables institutions to prepare in advance for any potential change which has an impact on the institution’s electronic CZ linked inventory.

This feature will be fully functional only after the completion of the May semi-annual re-indexing.

Physical Resource Management

New and Generic Physical Items Material Types

An increased range of physical material types, including generic options that institutions can customize according to their requirements.

This feature can be customized.

Administration and Infrastructure

User's Role Profiles Now Recorded in Account Notes

It is now possible to find all users to which a particular role profile was applied in the past. A logical set of these users can also be saved, and used as input for the Update/Notify Users job, which can update the roles assigned to the users in the set.

This feature will be applied automatically.

Primo VE

Support Customization of Resource Type Mapping

It enables you to customize the mapping of system resource types in Primo VE.

This feature can be customized.

Primo VE

Support Exact Phrase Only Searches in Advanced Searches

Previously, the Is (Exact) Advanced Search option for Author, Title, and Subject field searches returned results that included the exact phrase, but it could also contain other words. With this enhancement, the name of the Is (Exact) Advanced Search option has been changed to Contains exact phrase. And there is a new Equals exact phrase Advanced Search option that returns results that contain only the exact phrase for Author, Title, and Subject field searches.

This feature needs to be configured.


Resource Type Filter Bar

It enables a new resource type filter ribbon that appears under the basic search box to allow users to filter their results by resource types.

This feature needs to be enabled and configured.

February Alma/Primo VE New Features 

OCLS has tested the new features and identified the following features that may be useful to colleges. Please note that some features may need to be turned on or configured. If you need assistance, please email

To view the full list of new features for Alma and Primo VE, see this Alma page and this Primo VE page.

New Feature Description Notes

Resource Management

Using Normalization Processes When Creating Inventory and POL Using Import Profiles

It is now possible to use a dedicated normalization process in the import profile to update the data used in inventory and POL mapping. For example, a library may remove the currency information from the List price field, or add a temporary location information to the field mapped to items. The normalization will only be applied for inventory and for PO Lines, and will not be part of the record when saved to the catalog

This feature will be applied automatically.

Resource Management

Assign cataloguing level to imported records

Ability to work with cataloguing levels when importing This feature will be applied automatically.

Resource Management

Alt Key Menu Keyboard Shortcuts in New Metadata Editor

It is now possible to access the menus in the new MDE using a keyboard. This is especially useful for catalogers that rely on keyboard shortcuts in their work. This feature will be applied automatically.

Resource Management

Show List of All External Resources Instead of a Search

Alma enables the option to show all available external resources. This allows users to browse through all resources. This feature will be applied automatically.

Primo VE

Support "Starts With" Option for Call Number Searches

For advanced searches, users can now use the Starts With option to search for holdings call numbers. Previously, this option was enabled only for title searches. Must be configured.

Primo VE

Separate Form Description for Booking Requests

With this enhancement, you can now display different descriptions for the Requests and Booking Requests forms.

Must be configured.

Primo VE

Increase Maximum Number of Conditions for Local Resource Types

This enhancement enables you to define a maximum of five conditions per local resource type instead of four conditions This feature will be applied automatically.

Primo VE

Remove Google Bot Statistics from Analytics

With this enhancement, Beacon calls generated by Google bots are no longer tracked in Primo VE Analytics This feature will be applied automatically.


Additional Parameters for Automatic Loan-Renewal Rules

Two new types of parameters are now available when configuring automatic loan-renewal rules: Locations and Statistical Categories. The Locations parameter allows distinct rules for locations to be created. The Statistical categories parameter is primarily used for analytical reports. This feature will be applied automatically.


User Statistical Categories as Parameters in Fulfillment-Unit Rules

User-defined statistical categories can now be used as input to fulfillment-unit rules.This feature makes it possible to use these statistical categories to define patrons' privileges for fulfillment services. This feature will be applied automatically.


Request-Cancellation Reasons Now Customizable

You can customize the list of request-cancellation reasons that appears in the dropdown list of reasons when cancelling requests like holds or resource-sharing borrowing requests. This feature needs to be customized.

Electronic Resource Management

Electronic Service - Expiry Date Option for the Service Temporarily Unavailable Message

Within the Electronic Service Editor page, a new field Display unavailable message until date allows Alma users to set a date where the Temporary Unavailable message will expire and no longer appear in the View it. This feature will be applied automatically.


Activation Notes in Electronic Resource Activation Task List

Activation notes are now included in the Electronic Resource Activation Task List. This enables the person creating the PO line to provide relevant information or instructions to the one activating it. This feature will be applied automatically.


New Analytics User Interface

The Alma Analytics user interface was redesigned with several enhanced features that improve the display of information and simplify procedures and workflows. This feature will be applied automatically.


Electronic Collection Bibliographic Details

The Electronic Collection Bibliographic Details dimension was added to the E-Inventory subject area. This enables users to create reports that contain information concerning the bibliographic details of electronic collections. This is especially useful for reports concerning collections without portfolios. This feature will be applied automatically.


November Alma/Primo VE New Features 

OCLS has tested the new features and identified the following features that may be useful to colleges. Please note that some features may need to be turned on or configured. If you need assistance, please email

To view the full list of new features for Alma and Primo VE, see this Alma page and this Primo VE page.

New Feature



eResource Management

Portfolio Loader/Export - Support Split Coverage

When using the Extended Export function, the exported file now supports the export of portfolios with multi-coverage. The exported file is structured and formatted so that it is suitable for use in the portfolio loader.

This feature will be available automatically.

eResource Management

Enable the Improved ProQuest Ebook Central Upload Electronic Holdings

Improved process - more up-to-date with increased frequency of synchronization, supports the activation of Subscription titles, includes indication of purchase model, automatic activation from CZ

Colleges who are already using the PQ EBC Upload Electronic Holdings integration, and would like to utilize the improved one, please contact Ex Libris Support.

eResource Management

Usage Reflection for Community Zone Collections

Each Community Zone Collection now has 2 new indicators: usage and region. This enables users (that browse the Community Zone in order to activate resources) to better understand which resource is most suitable for activation.

This feature will be available automatically.

The information regarding the number of activation(s) and region(s) is refreshed every week. 

The information is reflected in the Community Zone collections search results only.

Fulfillment - Course Reserves

Simplify the Data Managed in Alma Using Course Archiving

You can now archive courses in Alma, enabling your library to reduce the amount of data you view in Alma without deleting historical information. Archived courses are still available for reference purposes, and you can view statistical data on archived courses via Alma Analytics. Courses can be archived and unarchived individually or in bulk.

This feature will be available automatically.


Primo Discovery Subject Area

The new Primo Discovery subject area allows you to track the number of titles indexed for Primo VE

This enhancement will be available automatically.


New Fields Added to the Bibliographic Details Dimension

Added fields: 

General Note, Local Note

Subject (Names), Series Statement, Electronic location and access

This enhancement will be available automatically.


New Out-of-the-Box Reports

Added reports: 

Fulfillment Network - Loans by guest patrons per library; Fulfillment Network - Local items loaned at another institution; Fulfillment Network - Requests by source (AFN and Manual) and pickup location (Local and Remote)

This enhancement will be available automatically.


New Fields Added to Block and Notes Dimensions of the Users Subject Area

Added fields: 

Library Code, Library Description

This enhancement will be available automatically.


Share Export Action

The Share export action has been added to the Brief Display, Full Display, and My Favorites pages to allow users to share records with other users using social media applications (WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn).

This feature needs to be enabled and can be customized.


Give Us Feedback Improvements

Support the configuration of if email address and description fields are mandatory or optional on the Give Us Feedback form. Support the configuration of feedback managers per category. Support the customization of the Feedback icon and Send button. Support the ability to add links to the Give Us Feedback dialog box via directives.

This applies to colleges who are already using the Report a Problem widget. 

This feature needs to be enabled, and can be customized.


Provide Warning Message when Guests Add to Favorites

Guest users will now receive a message when adding records to favorites to let them know that these records are temporary and last during the session only.

This feature needs to be enabled, and can be customized.


Provide Direct Linking from Full Record

Users can be taken directly to the full text of the first entry in the “View Online” section, instead of being taken to the “View Online” section first.

This feature needs to be enabled.